

Refreshes an access tokens with the refresh token. This sends a POST request (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) to the token endpoint defined when initializing OAuth2Client and returns the JSON-parsed response body. You can define the request body type with _TokenResponseBody type parameter.

By default, credentials (client secret) is sent via the HTTP basic auth scheme. To send it inside the request body (ie. search params), set options.authenticateWith to "request_body".

This throws a OAuth2RequestError on error responses, and fetch() error when it fails to connect to the endpoint.

See oslo/oauth2 for a full example.


function refreshAccessToken<_TokenResponseBody extends TokenResponseBody>(
	refreshToken: string,
	options?: {
		credentials?: string;
		authenticateWith?: "http_basic_auth" | "request_body";
		scopes?: string[];
): Promise<_TokenResponseBody>;


  • refreshToken: Refresh token
  • options
    • credentials: Client password or secret for authenticated requests
    • authenticateWith (default: "http_basic_auth"): How the credentials should be sent
    • scopes

Type parameters

  • _TokenResponseBody: JSON-parsed success response body from the token endpoint


import { OAuth2RequestError } from "oslo/oauth2";
import type { TokenResponseBody } from "oslo/oauth2";

interface ResponseBody extends TokenResponseBody {
	refresh_token: string;
try {
	const tokens = await oauth2Client.refreshAccessToken<ResponseBody>(code, {
		credentials: clientSecret,
		authenticateWith: "request_body" // send client secret inside body
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof OAuth2RequestError) {
		// invalid credentials etc
	// unknown error